Polaroid Transfer 2008
Lauren has been creating photographs for the past 14 years. She currently balances being a photographer, mother and landscape designer. Her photographic subjects draw from these realms- familial emotions, spirituality and the natural world.
artist statement
As a photographic artist I seek to capture the spiritual and emotional world that surrounds us. I like to think of my photographs as visual poems uncovering some essential but unseen thought or spirit. I believe this metaphysical reality transcends culture and time and ultimately reveals the universal nature of human hopes, dreams and fears. As I work to unearth and illuminate the metaphysical, I collect ideas, settings and objects for future photographs. I begin the process of making a photograph with an idea or a rough sketch in my mind, but it is through the act of creation that the finished idea emerges. I often work with alternative lighting or darkroom techniques and long exposures; my work is intuitive and experimental and yet, at times, requires elaborate preparation. I experience photography as an act of exploration requiring a balance between spontaneity and preparation.
2013 The Light Factory, Charlotte, NC, In My Own Time: Photographs by Lauren Doran and Amy Herman.
2009 The Garden Gallery at Leu Gardens, City of Orlando, Solo Exhibition.
2007 Radford University Art Museum, Downtown Radford, Solo Exhibition.
2006 Radford University Art Museum, Radford Art Show, Juried Exhibition.
2004 Unitarian Universalist Gallery, Blacksburg, VA, Solo Exhibition.
2004 Radford University Art Museum, Radford Art Show, Juried Exhibition.
2006 Radford Art Show, Radford University Art Museum, First Place in Photography.
2004 Radford Art Show, Radford University Art Museum, First Place in Photography.